22 October 2023

Lively and bright, see ExTEL's comprehensively upgraded new look

Third-party testing and acceptance reduces risks

Most owners in Taiwan entrust EPC manufacturers to be responsible for the design and construction of solar power plants. System power generation testing and acceptance are also mostly handled by the EPC factory. It is difficult to avoid players and referees. It is difficult to objectively present the construction quality and efficiency of solar power plants, and there is considerable uncertainty. 

Chen Jinxiong, general manager of ExTEL, said that most of the testing and acceptance of new overseas projects is carried out by professional third parties, which has become the norm in the industry. At the same time, it can assist owners or banks to ensure system safety and power generation quality, and ensure investment recovery.

The first regular health check-up package at the case site

ExTEL pioneered the regular health inspection service (HC) at the site. Based on the needs of the owners, we tailor-made a package of inspection services suitable for the site to determine whether the system safety of the solar power plant has changed and whether the power generation quality has declined, to ensure the quality of operation and maintenance. There are a total of 8 to 10 inspection items, which can be completed in one day at a 1MW project site.

ExTEL will issue a test report and provide improvement suggestions, clearly listing items that require emergency treatment and long-term risks. Owners can prescribe appropriate measures to improve power generation efficiency. Chen Jinxiong said that the testing services provided by Estech can also be used as post-disaster damage assessment (IDA) for insurance companies.

Due diligence on second-hand case resale

In recent years, the resale of second-hand property has become popular. Aster’s property due diligence and testing service (TDD) can help buyers reduce property acquisition risks and allow sellers to increase the sale value. ExTEL was established in 2018 and has faithfully played a third-party role in the solar energy industry, providing various power plant inspection services such as new site completion acceptance (SAT), old site health inspection and rectification (HC), and second-hand site purchase and sale appraisal (TDD). 

Chen Jinxiong said that last year, ExTEL launched technical advisory services (TA), module factory audit and module production supervision services (PSI). The service targets include developers, owners, banks, EPC and asset management companies; locations are all over Taiwan, In Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, etc., the cumulative installed capacity of solar power plants tested reaches more than 2GW.

KIWA takes ownership and officially enters LTA

The Dutch KIWA Group is a world-renowned leader in the field of TIC (Testing, Inspection, & Certification), specializing in providing testing, inspection and certification services, with customers in private and public sector organizations around the world. I am convinced of the management and technology of ExTEL's team, and I am optimistic about the Asian solar energy market, so I decided to invest in ExTEL.

After joining the KIWA Group, ExTEL officially stepped into LTA technical consulting services this year, providing complete due diligence (TDD) reports for banks and investors. The services include project site design review, technical advice provision and EPC contract review; power generation simulation and efficiency estimation; project environment, on-site investigation and confirmation, drone aerial photography, etc.; supervision of project site construction progress and confirmation of project quality; After completion, acceptance service will be carried out.

Chen Jinxiong said that when purchasing modules, many industry players also entrust ExTEL to provide PSI services, including auditing module factories, conducting production supervision, and witnessing shipments, to help owners ensure the quality of modules. At the same time, EST also cooperates with the laboratories of KIWA PI Berlin and KIWA PVEL, the group's subsidiaries, to provide module testing services to ensure that the module has a 20-year life and optimal efficiency.

Dust monitoring improves maintenance income

DAS 2.0 is a dust monitoring system developed by Astech for solar photovoltaic systems. It can improve maintenance efficiency, reduce cleaning costs, and increase power generation revenue. Compared with traditional monitoring systems, DAS2.0 can more accurately assess power generation losses and avoid missing cleaning opportunities due to dust.

ExTEL said that for green energy operators with hundreds of distributed rooftop sites, installing DAS2.0 can easily manage the sites and prioritize module cleaning; when used in large sites, Multiple DAS2.0 units can be installed to control dust in separate zones, and module cleaning starts from the dirtiest areas, saving cleaning costs and water resources.

Easy installation is a major feature of the DAS 2.0 dust monitoring system. ExTEL provides exclusive monitoring web pages suitable for different types of crime scenes. The number of installations in Taiwan has exceeded 200. Chenya Energy's Lunweidong water surface system and Xiangyang Youneng Yizhu Fishing and Electricity Case Field are typical cases.

Reporter: Economic Daily - Weng Yongquan