24 October 2023

International Energy Week: ExTEL serves as the strongest third party in the solar industry

The 2023 Taiwan International Smart Energy Week and the Taiwan International Net Zero Sustainability Exhibition kicked off yesterday (18th). Astor Energy is even more brilliant this year. The company started with the DAS dust monitoring system and later expanded its territory to new projects. Site completion acceptance (SAT), old site health inspection and rectification (HC), second-hand site sale and purchase appraisal (TDD), launch technical advisory service (TA), module factory audit and module production supervision service (PSI), insurance The industry conducts post-disaster damage assessment (IDA) and demonstrates its strength over the past five years to the guests. It is bound to become the most comprehensive, complete and one-stop third party in the solar energy industry in China.

"In addition to installing solar panels, we handle all other solar field related work!" Chen Jinxiong, general manager of ExTEL, said that ExTEL can handle everything from solar panel production, acceptance, insurance, regular maintenance, and second-hand sale and purchase appraisals. Our service targets include developers, owners, banks, EPCs and asset management companies in Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, etc. The total installed capacity of solar power plants tested has reached more than 2GW.

General Manager Chen explained that during the solar panel production stage, ExTEL plays a technical advisory role. Through cooperation with KIWA Group, it has branched out into LTA technical advisory services and can provide banks and investors with complete due diligence reports, which include Project site design review, technical advice provision and EPC contract review; power generation simulation, performance estimation; project site environment, on-site investigation and confirmation, drone aerial photography, etc.; supervision of project site construction progress and confirmation of project quality; after completion, Perform acceptance services.

Many domestic solar panel manufacturers will provide construction and acceptance services, but this has the risk of being subjective and low in credibility. ExTEL will take on the responsibility of acceptance services to improve the credibility of the inspection and assist owners or banks. Ensure system safety and power generation quality, and ensure investment recovery.

General Manager Chen said that KIWA of the Netherlands is eyeing the Asian solar energy market and will invest in ExTEL, a company with excellent operational and technical capabilities, in 2020. KIWA is a well-known TIC (Testing, Inspection and Certification) company that specializes in providing testing, inspection and As a global leader in certification services, with customers in the private and public sectors around the world, and the other joint mergers of KIWA PI Berlin and KIWA PVEL in the group, Astor Energy is able to provide one-stop solar energy industry chain services.

In addition, the on-site regular inspection service pioneered by Aste Energy is even more trusted and loved by customers. General Manager Chen added that solar panels, like a car, will have some wear and tear, and the company’s regular inspection service Inspection services can provide customized on-site inspection services for owners to determine whether the safety of the solar power plant system has changed and whether the power generation quality has deteriorated to ensure the quality of operation and maintenance.

The entire inspection project totals 8 to 10 items, which can be completed within one day at a 1MW case site. Various emergency treatment and long-term risk projects can be solved to prevent the equipment from falling into more severe maintenance situations. Not only that, the DAS dust monitoring system is particularly affected by wind and sand. Owners in large areas like it. Since the damage from sand and dust is affected by the wind, if the solar panels are damaged by wind and dust after regular cleaning, it will be a waste of time. The DAS dust management system can improve maintenance efficiency and reduce cleaning costs. costs and increase revenue from power generation.

Reporter: Business Times - Chen Yanwei