19 October 2022

ExTEL Electric Eye System provides efficient maintenance and operation assistance

ExTEL showed off its muscles at 2022 Energy Taiwan, demonstrating a number of technical solutions such as auxiliary solar photovoltaic field maintenance and operation, and energy storage system verification. Walking to booth I-0126, the first thing that caught the attention of the guests was the new DAS2.0 dust detection system. This is the "electric eye" system developed by ExTEL for Sun Optoelectronics 3 years ago. No matter whether the case is located on a mountain top or at the seaside, it can detect It can accurately "report the time" for cleaning boards, improve maintenance efficiency, allow labor-intensive board washing to play a greater role, and help owners and O&M operators save money.

Traditional maintenance requires cleaning modules at fixed times, which causes many problems. Analysis by Chen Jinxiong, general manager of ExTEL, pointed out that after heavy rain, if the modules are not dirty, they can be cleaned as usual when the time comes, causing unnecessary waste. On the contrary, when the modules accumulate a lot of dust and cannot be cleaned in advance because the scheduled time has not arrived, it will cause power generation loss. DAS2.0 allows the board washer to be more flexible and maximize efficiency, so it is favored by the industry.

DAS2.0 is also a sunshine meter that does not get dirty, and customers pay for it because of its high added value. The PR value at the site is the basis for judging the power generation status of the system. The dust on the traditional sunshine meter is dirty and has not been cleaned, which often results in a low sunshine reading value, affecting the PR calculation, allowing the operator to misjudge the power generation amount, and also miss the best opportunity to clean the module. Good timing.

Reporter: Economic Daily - Weng Yongquan