1 November 2018

ExTEL customized solar panel cleaning solution

ExTEL exhibited a drone module cleaning system that can be equipped with a thermal imager at Energy Taiwan 2018. It uses a dual-gun water spray design that can control the water pressure and water outlet direction. It is highly maneuverable during regular cleaning of the solar system. It is stronger and has a variety of advantages that manual cleaning and orbital brush cleaning cannot match.

Chen Jinxiong said that ExTEL focuses on providing customized cleaning solutions and currently serves many large-scale cases. For some large-area cases or with special environmental factors, human cleaning capabilities are insufficient. UAV module cleaning systems are the best choice. They have the advantages of safety, high cleaning efficiency, no flight restrictions, and no-touch modules. Keeping the panel clean will help the power generation efficiency, but it is not a good idea to do it more or less. Cost is also a key consideration for the industry. According to market conditions, 8% of total power generation revenue should be used as maintenance expenses, including cleaning and maintenance.

ExTEL charges 10 to 15 yuan for each module to clean. Taking 499kw as an example, the cost per time is about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. It has a price advantage. The drone module cleaning solution can also solve the problem of manual cleaning of solar panels. Long term problem.

Chen Jinxiong said that the ExTEL team developed a dust detection system in the early days of Tokyo Weili, which can accurately determine when cleaning is needed. Hundreds of units have been shipped across 16 countries on five continents, from desert climates to subzero temperatures. We have accumulated many years of practical experience in various environments such as extreme cold, and are capable of providing complete and professional cleaning solutions.

The similarity between the English transliteration of ExTEL and Tokyo Weili TEL is not only a connection between the two companies in the past, but also a new model for developing solar power plant maintenance and operation services with high technology.

Reporter: Economic Daily - Weng Yongquan