24 October 2023

DAS 2.0 dust monitoring system realizes intelligent maintenance and operation

Compared to traditional monitoring systems, DAS 2.0 provides more accurate assessments of power generation losses, preventing missed cleaning opportunities due to dust accumulation. According to Kiwa ExTEL, for green energy companies with numerous decentralized rooftop installations, installing DAS 2.0 facilitates easy management of sites and prioritizes module cleaning schedules. In large-scale PV projects, multiple DAS 2.0 units can be installed for zone-based dust monitoring, allowing for targeted cleaning starting from the most heavily affected areas, thus saving cleaning costs and conserving water resources.

Ease of installation is a key feature of the DAS 2.0 dust monitoring system. Kiwa ExTEL offers a dedicated monitoring webpage suitable for various types of installations. Over the past few years, installations have exceeded 200 units across various sites in Taiwan. Examples include floating PV power plant by Chenya Energy and Fishery Electric PV power plant by Sunnyrich Energy, are both typical cases.

Reporter: udngroup - Y.C.Weng