Kiwa offers a new voluntary 20% Hydrogen Mark, based on its Test Requirements for natural gas appliances burning up to 20% Hydrogen admixture, using EN15502 as the reference standard.
Get your food business certified with BRCGS Food Safety through Kiwa. Our expert auditors ensure compliance with GFSI benchmarked standards. Request a quote today!
The EU organic regulation does not apply in Switzerland. The privately organised Bio Suisse organic standard is aimed at farmers, processors and traders who want to sell organic products with a Bio Suisse label in Switzerland. Anyone wishing to supply organic products for sale or processing must be certified in accordance with the Bio Suisse standards so that the products can be labelled with the Bud logo in Switzerland. We are happy to carry out the Bio Suisse inspection for you in all countries where we are approved to do so.
EN 15085 - The standart of the railway vehicles and their components with detailed rules on all welding requirements. To obtain a certification according to EN15085, inspection staff,equipment and production management must be proved that the requirements are fulfilled.
ISO 13485 is the medical device industry's quality management system (QMS) standard. The scheme specifies the requirements for a quality management system for medical devices.
The National Organic Program NOP is part of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Kiwa BCS is accredited in 2002.
Certification under NOP regulations entitles a company to use the USDA NOP seal in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation.
ISO 22716 Cosmetics - Good Manufacturing Practices with Kiwa: Regulations for systematic and organisational product safety and quality control to be followed throughout the manufacture of cosmetics
Kiwa's free GDPR Self-assessment helps you get a free indication of how your organisation is doing in the GDPR area. Based on 13 questions you will receive an initial indication, an explanation of the GDPR situation within your organisation and an advice.
The MSC traceability standard is a globally recognised environmental certification scheme that allows you to market MSC certified fish and shellfish. The blue MSC label shows that fish have been caught in a way that creates healthy oceans and secures seafood supplies for the future - something that is important to your customers.
The Global Standard for Ecological Textiles "GOTS" is the world's leading manufacturing standard for textiles made from ecological fibres. It defines demanding environmental criteria for the entire ecological textile supply chain and also requires compliance with social criteria.
ISO 45001 is a tool to systematically fulfill the legal obligation for employers to ensure the health and safety of employees and to pursue a policy aimed at achieving the best possible working conditions.
Welding is a special manufacturing process which is used in sectors to reveal structures which cannot be manufactured as one piece. The EN ISO 3834 series standards are also standards that define all Quality requirements for the operation of this particular process.
Naturland promotes organic agriculture worldwide and is one of the largest organic farming associations with over 50,000 farmers in Germany. As a future-oriented association, organic competence and social responsibility belong together for Naturland.
Processors and farms that are part of Naturland work with the highest organic standards, which are stricter than those of the EU organic label. They produce high-quality food without genetic engineering - to protect the environment and the consumer.
GLOBALG.A.P. certification with Kiwa: reduce your food safety risks, increase your transparency and support sustainable agriculture to meet customer demands.
Bird Friendly is a standard established by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (SMBC). The SMBC is part of the National Zoo, which is located in Washington D.C. (USA). The Bird Friendly Standard is one of the most stringent of the third-party certified environmental standards. SMBC's Bird Friendly certification is the only one with a 100% guarantee of organic agroforestry habitat for wild birds.
Ensure food safety and quality in the production industry with the Kiwa-IFS food certification.
IFS certification byKiwa: Creating healthy products and trust.
The European Regulation (CE) 834/07 and 889/08 control organic production in Europe, implementation in member states, certification bodies and certification of agricultural production according to these CE regulations.Kiwa España is currently auth...