Oil and solid fuel appliances

For more than 20 years we have been helping solid fuel manufacturers to address their responsibilities under the legislation affecting solid fuel appliances. We now it can be challenging for you as a manufacturer to find your way in the solid fuel regulatory landscape. That is where Kiwa kicks in: with our certification and testing services we guide you through the landscape and as a partner for progress help you to get your products approved for the specific geographical markets.

Construction Product Regulations

The construction product regulations (CPR) are created to make sure that construction products who find there way to the market are proper functioning and express the performance one should expect of it. As a solid fuel manufacturer your product needs to meet the harmonized technical specifications of the CPR if you want to enter the European market. 

Automatic boilers and the Machinery Directive

Another important standard you have to taken into account is the Machinery Directive. It focusses at the protection of workers and consumers who will use your machinery. In the Directive one can find all health and safety requirements your appliance needs to meet. This is especially important for manufacturers of automatic boilers.

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Besides the Machinery Directive and the CPR we offer other test solutions, as a one-stop-shop, for our customers. We can also test you appliance for:

  • DEFRA smoke exemption
  • RHI certification
  • MCS accreditation services
  • Electrical safety (EN 60335-1)
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility

Our services in the field Oil and Solid FUel Appliances