• Sustainability in construction

    Construction offers many chances when it comes to sustainability. The Dutch construction sector is accountable for an estimated fifty percent of raw material consumption, forty percent of total energy consumption and thirty percent of total water consumption.

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    Preparations for a construction project
  • Renewable energy transition in the Netherlands

    Renewable energy transition in the Netherlands. Trending in the media and the topic of conversation in the political and public debate. But what actually is that renewable energy transition? We take you through the ins & outs and tell you what Kiwa has to offer in the field of renewable energy transition.

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    Windmills on a windmill field
  • Sustainable food production

    With the ever increasing world population, the demand for food is of course also growing. A growing number of consumers demands safe food that has been produced sustainably. After all, there is still a lot to gain in the food industry when it comes to sustainability.

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    Man with radish in his hands