Kiwa and wind energy

Both onshore and offshore wind farms require major investments. In order to ensure that these investments continue to pay off over the entire lifecycle of a wind farm, it is crucial to ensure that the wind turbines are always in perfect technical condition. Kiwa helps with this, with inspection and certification services for almost all aspects of your wind farm. 

Kiwa offers an extensive portfolio of services for the wind energy sector. Onshore as well as offshore: from foundations, masts, rotor blades, alternators and mechanical parts to complete projects: from design phase to use and, ultimately, dismantling. The emphasis lies on lifts, cranes, anchors and safety equipment, fire protection, pressure equipment (accumulators for safety brakes during strong winds), gears (if not direct drive) and inspection of bolted connections. The experts from Kiwa can test, inspect, review and (re)certify every process within the life cycle of a wind turbine.

Drone inspection and certification

Kiwa can support managers of wind farms with all kinds of analyses, (drone) inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT). We focus on ensuring integrity, safety and anticipating obsolescence of installation parts. Our extensive expertise and experienced professionals make Kiwa a one-stop shop for testing and inspecting wind turbines, accredited for both ISO 17020 (inspection) and ISO 17025 (testing).

Wind analysis

Kiwa's range of services covers the entire wind energy market, from owners and operators to manufacturers and onshore and offshore facilities. Our services cover the entire lifecycle of wind turbines and wind farms, from construction to safe decommissioning of depreciated installations.

Kiwa division Moroni & Partners performs wind analyses from branches in Italy, Great Britain, Morocco and Australia for wind parks to be constructed or to be sold, whereby the maintenance costs of a wind farm are compared with the expected income. Maintenance can consist of regular inspection, but it can also relate to Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and risk-based inspection (RBI) and even Probabilistic Preventive Maintenance, whereby an optimal cost balance is made between preventive and corrective maintenance.

Want to know more about Kiwa's wind turbine and wind farm services? Check this product page!