5 July 2024

EN 18031 Standard Wins Formal Vote despite failing HAS Assessment – What’s Next?

The EN 18031 standard series consists of 3 standards meant to set a harmonized framework for assessing the cybersecurity of radio products for article 3.3 (d) (e) and (f). These articles are set to become enforced by August 1st, 2025, creating huge demand for harmonized standards to be published due to the many products that are in scope.

With the acceptance of the standards, the process now moves to the finalization and implementation of the proposed standards as European Standards (EN). When this process is finished, notified bodies could consider the standards as an alternative within the module B assessment to be the best applicable standard for testing a products Cybersecurity to fulfill the articles.

The negative HAS Assessment means the standards will not yet become available for publication in the official journal of the EU (OJEU), meaning the standards will not become harmonized until changes are made to provide more clarity in terms of applicability and testability of the standards. Meaning the road towards certification will continue require a notified body for now for all products.

Kiwa is ready for testing to the new standards and is moving towards accreditation to this new EN. We stress the importance of starting the road to cyber compliance early, as we recognize the changes to your products, and the organizational changes potentially required for guaranteeing compliance in the long run are extensive.

Kiwa already tests and certifies products for compliance the RED article 3.3 (d) ,(e) and (f) articles and has made adaptations to ensure future compliance with the EN 18031 standards is an easy process. If you want your products to be ready for August 1st 2025, contact us for a testing plan for your product.