21 June 2022

EN compliance helps Climax Technology improve product quality

Taiwan based alarm systems manufacturer Climax relies on Kiwa for EN compliance of grade 2 and 3 alarm products. We talked to sales manager Monica Lin about the necessity of EN compliance and the collaboration with Kiwa.

Climax Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in Taipei, Taiwan in 1985. For more than three decades, Climax has applied its expertise in telecommunications and radio frequency (RF) technologies to the innovation and manufacturing of wireless home security systems, medical alarms, home automation systems, IP cameras, and an extensive range of accessories. All of Climax’ products are designed, developed, and manufactured in-house, by a 541 staff. Today, as a member of the ZigBee Alliance, ZWave Alliance, and ULE Alliance, Climax has become a leading supplier of security and telecare solutions in the American, European and Asian markets.

What does EN compliance for grade 2 and 3 products mean for your organization?

Before the certification was obtained we followed ISO 9001 to produce security products with good quality and reliability. Obtaining EN grade 2 and 3 certification enabled us to produce security products against even higher security standards. In order to maintain this level of compliance we apply the rules and regulations of the certification scheme in our daily business.

Were there points of improvement after the initial inspection audit?

We improved hardware and software for EN compliance to make our products better.

Why did Climax Technology choose Kiwa?

Kiwa offers good service and very fast responses, which is crucial if you want to keep your time to market as short as possible. Obtaining the EN compliance was quite a journey, but very much worth the effort!

What benefits does the EN compliance bring to your organization?

It is a standard for us to keep manufacturing products that comply with the EN requirements for grade 2 and 3 products. For security alarm business, EN alarm certification is a must for our customers. It helps us to solidify our business and create more business opportunities. Moreover it has increased quality awareness among our employees.