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You manufacture products, execute projects, work according to certain processes. How do you make sure they meet the relevant quality standards, requirements and legal obligations? Inspection by Kiwa can help you reduce risks, control quality, verify quantity and meet regulatory requirements. It makes the invisible visible and help you prepare for the unexpected.
Whether mandatory or voluntary, inspections yield essential data you can use to ensure the quality, safety, efficiency and optimal operation of your equipment and your organisation. The resulting information is valuable and provides early warnings for future problems. That way, you can avoid costs or, worse, accidents and emergency breakdowns. Thus, inspections bring confidence: in your employees, production processes and assets, as well as in how you affect your environment.
Our inspection services include all kinds of examination, measurement, gauging, and comparison of materials or items. We inspect practically everything, from small measuring devices to powerful pressure vessels. We carry out inspections at every level, ranging from design review, installation and manufacturing to modernisation, maintenance and in-service or batch inspections. Thus, we determine the condition of a certain material, an item, a process or a situation, and whether or not it conforms to the applicable or specified requirements, regulations and standards.
From now on you can take a look for yourself in our laboratories and research facilities, wherever and whenever you want, thanks to our virtual tours.
We act as a strictly independent third party when we inspect your products, (raw) materials, installations or anything else. We are also being ‘inspected’ ourselves by national and European accreditation institutions on a regular basis. Kiwa is a Notified Body (NoBo) for many European directives: we are authorized by a national accreditation body to perform inspections in compliance with international standards. Thus, we close the loop, bringing trust and confidence.
See our Accreditations and notifications
Want to know quickly what inspection entails? Then check out the handy infographic below. Download the document by clicking on the image.