Sprinkler systems are reliable fire protection systems applied worldwide. A sprinkler system is designed to detect, signal and control a starting fire. In many cases only a few sprinklers can extinguish a fire. Kiwa FSS has extensive knowledge of and experience with automatic sprinkler systems and therefore has the expertise to conduct sprinkler system checks and inspections.
Because in general, most occupants have never experienced an automatic sprinkler system in action, they often have no knowlegde of its functioning, possibilities and limitations. It is erroneously thought that proper functioning of a sprinkler system is assured after it has been installed. However, sprinkler system protection is a customized solution with its optimal functioning dependant on numerous factors.
Like no other, Kiwa FSS can comprehensively explain this overall picture. As an inspection body, Kiwa FSS specializes in the assessment of sprinkler protection effectiveness. This does not only include the sprinkler system in isolation, but also structural and organizational conditions under which the system has to function. Kiwa FSS assesses and validates this entire process, from design to end-use, based on both the CCV inspection schemes as compliance with standards. Kiwa FSS also conducts random inspections for certification bodies.
Why Kiwa FSS?
Kiwa FSS is a leading Inspection Institution in the area of Fire Safety and Security (FSS), providing services with expertise, flexibility, customer-focus and innovative attitude. We conduct inspections and provide training maintaining our fully independent, unbiased and fair position.
Kiwa FSS operates in a wide range of facilities, including health care, tunnels, logistical, industrial, (petro) chemical, data centres, airports, storage of hazardous goods and hotels.