BRL-K656 published for criticism
As of December 21, 2020 a revised version of BRL-K656 is published for criticism. BRL-K656 contains requirements for a product certificate for "Heat exchangers intended for the indirect heating of drinking water”.
This new BRL contains:
- Textual adjustments so that this BRL meets the present requirements and expectations;
- references so that this BRL meets the accreditation requirements of BS EN ISO 17065;
- Addition of leak detection system and energy performance measurement
Submission of criticism
The Board of Experts (CWK) take a 6 weeks deadline into account starting from the date of this publication for criticism. Interested parties are invited to send their criticism on this concept evaluation guideline within the specified period using the comment form attached and send it by email to the contact below.
More info
For more information please contact:
Kiwa Netherlands
Mrs. A.M. van Vliet - Hoek
T +31 (0)88 998 4648