Manufacturing industry

As an entrepreneur in the manufacturing industry, you face high stakeholder and customer demands and an ever more globalising market. Kiwa is well aware of your needs. We offer calibration services for your assets, help you develop people competencies through education and thus make sure manufacturing keeps flowing as smoothly as possible.

  • Skilled and independent services
  • Asset calibration
  • Increase trust and compliancy
Services (145 results)
Skydivers in a circle
Domestic Water Safety

The quality of our drinking water is a matter that concerns us all. To prevent the pollution of drinking water it is essential for appliances (such as washing machines and dishwaters) to have internal backflow protection.  With the Kiwa Domes...

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Training & Education
Take the next step as internal auditor with the Lead Auditor Course (LAC)

The monitoring of a quality management system is headed by the lead auditor. This is an experienced auditor with advanced knowledge of the relevant standards and processes who masters the skills required to be a leader. You will learn these skills during the Lead Auditor Course (LAC) by Kiwa Training.

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Skydivers in a circle
BRL-K656: Heat exchangers intended for the indirect adjustment of drinking water

The products are intended to be used in in hot water installations with a working pressure of maximum.1 MPa (10 bar) and a water temperature of maximum 90 °C.

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Water flow
Steel pipes for the transport of drinking water (BRL-K762)

The products are intended to be used for the transport of drinking water and a working pressure of 1MPa (1,000 kPa), with a water temperature up to 65˚C and a maximum water temperature up to 90˚C for a period of maximum 1 hour.

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Skydivers in a circle
Shower hoses for sanitary tapware (BRL-K668)

The shower hoses may be used in tap water installations with a maximum working pressure of 1000 kPa. The recommended limits for correct operation are a dynamic pressure between 100 kPa and 500 kPa and a water temperature of maximum 65°C. Occasiona...

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Skydivers in a circle
Deze BRL is per 1 maart 2019 ingetrokken en ondergebracht in BRL-K767.

Deze BRL is per 1 maart 2019 ingetrokken en ondergebracht in BRL-K767.

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Training & Education
Internal Audit ISO 9001 training

Kiwa Training organises the two-day course ‘Internal Audit in accordance with ISO 9001’. After taking this course, you will be able to prepare, perform, report and follow up on audits yourself.

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NIS2 in Europe
NIS2 European Cybersecurity Directive

Cybersecurity remains a hot topic, not only due to the increasing number of hacks and ransomware attacks but also from the perspective of regulators and the evolving legal framework in this area. European member states are currently preparing for the transposition of the Network and Information Security Directive 2 (NIS2) into national legislation.

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Corporate Social Responsibility Certificate
KIWAGREEN for products improving the health of people and planet - K15014

The KIWAGREEN certificate supports the demand and the supply of products and services which cause less stress on the environment.

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Management training
ATEX Management training offers the ATEX2 management training especially for managers and managers in organizations with potentially explosive zones. During this interactive, practically oriented training, participants obtain relevant knowledge about explosion risks and learn what their own tasks and responsibilities are.

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Research word web
Accidents and Incidents Analysis

The independent investigation of incidents enables them to be used objectively as lessons to be learnt for the future. By learning from incidents, the correct measures can be taken to reduce these. For gas network operators in the Netherlands, Kiwa Technology provides a call-out service that can be reached 24/7.

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Lab Kiwa
Evaluation fuel reformers and fuel cell systems

Kiwa Technology has the possibility to mix all kind of complex (natural) gas compositions, which will be distributed in Europe or elsewhere in the world.

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Asset Management
Gas distribution safety

Gas distribution safety is currently a topic of high social interest. Organisations such as the supervisory bodies, the Dutch Energy Council and the Dutch National Mines Inspectorate explicitly hold network operators accountable for their responsibilities in ensuring safe gas distribution.

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People are skydiving
Mastercard Card Quality Management (CQM)

In order to ensure inter-operability and reliability of smart card hardware, MasterCard has initiated a mandatory Card Quality Management (CQM) program. The CQM program has been developed by MasterCard in cooperation with numerous industrial partners, under which Kiwa serves as a single entry point for the smart card qualification by MasterCard issuers.

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Permeation and chemical compatibility

Kiwa is your partner for assessing the chemical compatibility and material performance of applied materials and the corresponding tests like permeation, immersion or rapid gas decompression tests. Testing material samples, pipes, components or even complete systems is possible.

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Auditor in field of wind energy windmill
ISO 50001 Energy Management

ISO 50001 Energy Management system certification with Kiwa: conserve resources, save money and mitigate climate change.

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Heat pump
Heat pump testing (EN 14511-14825-16147-12102 and NTA 8800)

Heat pumps provide an environmentally friendly way to both heat and cool buildings and to take care of hot water supplies. An increasing number of new products are emerging in the marketplace, all of which must comply with European directives.

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Skydivers in a circle
Fixed firefighting systems. Hose systems: hose reels with semi-rigid hose (BRL-K643)

Hose reels with semi-rigid hose have been designed for fire fighting purposes and can be connected to drinking waterinstallations with a maximum waterpressure of 1000 kPa and a watertemperature of maximum 30°C.

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Skydivers in a circle
Close coupled suites (BRL-K621)

The products are intended to be applied as sanitary appliances giving a nominal flushing volume of 6, 7 or 9 litres. These appliances are intended for connection to drinking water installations with a maximum water temperature of 30° C and a maxim...

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Legionella prevention water installation
Sanitary Tapware; single taps and mixer taps (BRL-K652)

The sanitary tapware " single taps and mixer taps " are intended for application in drinking water installations with a static water pressure of maximum 1000 kPa and a maximum water temperature of 90°C. The recommended limits for correct operation...

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Sleeve connection assessment for heat distribution networks

The reliability of district heating networks heavily depends on the quality of pipeline connections. Water ingress at socket connections can compromise insulation, leading to reduced thermal efficiency and corrosion in steel pipes. It is crucial for both operators and contractors to ensure that socket connections are correctly installed to avoid costly future leaks.

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Certification SSF 1014 and SSF114 security equipment

Manufacturers who want to introduce security equipment on the Swedish market must ensure that their products have been tested according to the Swedish standard SSF 1014 and certified by the Swedish certification authority Svensk Brand- och SäkerhetsCertifiering (SBSC). Kiwa is a designated test lab for SSF 1014.

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People are skydiving
Electric and electronic products and components testing and certification

Kiwa is a Notified Body for the LVD and EMC directive. Kiwa is also a partner of VDE institute and offers the following services for electrical products: CE testing, Kiwa certification, IECEE CB certification scheme, VDE certification, GS certification, Certification for North America and Canada, CSS.

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ISO 22716 Cosmetics - GMP - Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices

ISO 22716 Cosmetics - Good Manufacturing Practices with Kiwa: Regulations for systematic and organisational product safety and quality control to be followed throughout the manufacture of cosmetics

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