Permeation and fluid compatibility
Kiwa Technology – your partner for permeation and material compatibility testing
Polymers are used for a wide range of applications including pipes or flexible composite pipes (FCP and RTP) for the transport of gases and fluids. Besides well know applications like distribution of water or natural gas, polymers are more and more applied for the transport of renewable gases like hydrogen or for upstream use in the oil and gas production.
Kiwa is your partner for engineering assessments and the corresponding tests. We can determine and prove the suitability of polymers in combination with conventional and unconventional gases and fluids, and test under harsh conditions like raised temperature and high pressures.
We can conduct for instance permeation measurements with cryogenic gases on sheets, or measurements of a complete piping systems in combination with 100 bar hydrogen, determine the impact of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) exposure on your material over time or assess the swelling of your liner material due to hydrocarbons.
See our flyer for more information or contact us!