Product certification in 4 steps

The process for product certification at Kiwa SCM consists of four steps. The product certification is conducted according to the Electronic Security Systems for Two-Wheelers certification specification and its accompanying administrative provisions.

Product certification in 4 steps.png

Step 1: Information

You can request information by sending an email to

  • Explanation of the process;
  • Required certification specifications;
  • Application form with quotation

As an applicant, you should review this information. After reviewing this information, you can prepare the application.

Step 2: Certification application

Once you have prepared for the product certification, you can submit the system for certification. You need to provide the following:

  • Application form (fully completed and signed);
  • Test results and technical documentation (see application form);
  • 3 Electric bicycles with an integrated track & trace system.

Upon submission of the required documents, the product certification process will commence. All submitted documents will be checked for completeness and accuracy within fifteen working days.

If the submitted documentation is complete, a practical test will be scheduled. If the submitted documentation is incomplete, you will be informed. You must submit the missing documents within one month, otherwise the application will be terminated, and the incurred costs will be charged.

Step 3: Practical test

During the practical test, the system will be tested according to the requirements in the certification specification. Within fifteen working days after the test, we will prepare a report detailing our findings. This report will be sent to the applicant.

Step 4: Certification decision

After preparing the report, Kiwa SCM will make a certification decision.

  • Positive decision
    If the product meets the requirements, a positive certification decision will be issued. Subsequently, a certification agreement will be drafted. Upon signing this agreement, approval will be issued. This approval will also be published on the Kiwa SCM website. From that moment on, the product is approved and the certification process is completed. The system can then be registered per bicycle through the Kiwa SCM portal or via an API between the supplier and Kiwa SCM.
  • Negative decision
    If deviations are noted in the report, a negative certification decision will be issued. A timeframe will be provided for rectifying the deviations. After rectification, these deviations will be reinspected and reported.