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Kiwa is a leading, reliable and innovative reference point for the quality of fruits and vegetables products. The experts at Kiwa provide quality controls for all fruits and vegetables product groups from domestic and international sources. Kiwa has knowledge of both Dutch and imported products and the applicable laws and regulations. Kiwa's clients include growers, trading companies, processors, sorting and packing stations, retailers, seed companies/breeders and industry associations.
AQS Netherlands is an independent inspection body for the fruit and vegetable sector. The company specializes in quality checks of all product groups in fruit and vegetables from the Netherlands and abroad.
Read moreShiny apples, juicy pears, full cauliflowers, bright red tomatoes... the assortment of Dutch fruit and vegetable shops and supermarkets is usually a feast for the eyes and excels in quality and variety. But behind those well-stocked shelves, there is a thorough process of European quality standards and inspections. Frans Isbouts, quality controller at Kiwa, tells more about it.
Read moreMore than two years ago, Kiwa strengthened itself with AQS, which specializes in the inspection of fresh produce. In addition to quality inspections in the fruit and vegetable sector, Kiwa AQS also trains inspectors and quality controllers. For Growers United, one of the larger suppliers of greenhouse vegetables in Europe, these training courses are very important in order to be able to deliver the desired high quality level. Quality control team leader Caby Flaton tells more about it.
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