1 December 2021

Kiwa and Vinçotte

ViA Vincotte inspection.jpg

Employees at Vinçotte and Kiwa were informed this morning about the decision reached by both companies to merge. By joining forces, Kiwa and Vinçotte will be able to confidently move towards creating a one-stop-shop for testing, inspection and certification services (TIC) that will be able to support clients across the world with a wider range of services.

Kiwa and Vinçotte are joining forces

The TIC (testing, inspection & certification) sector has undergone unprecedented development across the world. A key feature of this development is the advent of new fields of activities and skills (cybersecurity, renewable energy, etc.), the digital transition (new kinds of equipment that need to be inspected, new inspection techniques, both online and in real time) and the phenomenon of the concentration of industrial players, which has considerably altered the competitive landscape.

It is within this context that Vinçotte has decided to join the international Kiwa group in order to build a strong, shared portfolio of services. The transfer is subject to approval by the Belgian competition authority, which is expected in Q1 of 2022. Once the Belgian competition authority has given its approval, the transfer will be completed.

Only positive synergies

Vinçotte will retain its employment levels and centres of knowledge and decision-making, and it will also have the resources necessary to continue its digital transformation within the Kiwa group. Vinçotte brand and services will be retained and offered to new international markets through the Kiwa network. The organisational structure and management will remain unchanged.

By joining forces and being strengthened by their shared DNA, the new company that will be formed will pool know-how, knowledge and R&D, enabling it to offer even better and wider service to existing and new clients in the Benelux region and beyond, increase its clout to develop new methods of working and to develop its portfolio, as well as contribute to the optimisation of testing and laboratory facilities.

Luc Lallemand, President of Stichting Vinçotte, the sole shareholder of the Vinçotte group, comments, “The decision to join forces with Kiwa was prompted by a shared desire to put a leading player forward on the international stage, while at the same time take advantage of the benefits of its two constituent elements. The agreement we have reached only provides positive synergies. This is the best guarantee for a prosperous future for two companies, which in addition to sharing DNA, have the same industrial ambition”.

Bernard De Cannière, CEO of the Vinçotte group, comments, “Through the proposed integration into the Kiwa Group, Vinçotte is placing its trust in an internationally renowned partner whose stability and soundness is recognised by all. Against a backdrop in which there have never been so many challenges in the sector, Vinçotte will have a much stronger ability to grow and develop and will be able to count on the strength of the Kiwa network to take its expertise and know-how to new clients and new markets.”

Paul Hesselink, CEO of Kiwa, comments, “We are extremely pleased and proud to have reached an agreement that focuses on welcoming Vinçotte into the Kiwa group. We do not see this as a takeover, but rather as the union of two complementary players – whereas Vinçotte is strong in inspection, Kiwa places greater emphasis on certification. Vinçotte’s competence has created the company’s reputation and will contribute to the quality of Kiwa services. It is the intention that Vinçotte will retain its organisational and decision-making structures and will grow in accordance with the LIFT plan. Furthermore, the company will be able to rely on Kiwa’s international expertise to better serve existing markets and develop new markets.”

About Vinçotte

Vinçotte is the largest inspection, auditing and certification company in Belgium and offers over 220 services in the fields of inspection, certification, conformity assessment and training. Its 2,000 employees dedicate themselves every day to increasing the safety, efficiency and sustainability of society. Vinçotte is active in the Benelux region and conducts over 5,000 inspections each day. It has more than 100,000 clients, comprising multinationals, SMEs, sole traders and individuals.

Vinçotte is active in various sectors, including the manufacturing industry, chemical & petrochemical industries, pharmaceutical sector and energy, automotive, food and construction sectors.

About Kiwa

Kiwa is a globally operating company in the field of testing, inspection and certification (TIC). Kiwa’s core activities are supported and strengthened by (strictly divided) training, consultancy and data services. With its TIC and adjacent services, Kiwa creates trust in the products, services, processes, systems (including management systems) and employees of its clients. It does this in a wide range of market sectors, varying from drinking water and renewable energy, construction and healthcare, to the food, feed and farms, as well as the medical and pharmaceutical sectors.

Kiwa’s clients are in the manufacturing and processing industries, business services, public and private utility companies, governments and international bodies. Kiwa (part of the SHV family of companies) employs over 5,500 people in its offices in more than 35 countries in Europe, Asian Pacific region, North America and Latin America.