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Low-emission transportation, a greater flexibility of the electricity grid and cleaner industrial processes are necessary elements to make energy transition come true. Hydrogen, thanks to its characteristics, has the potential to contribute significantly to the achievement of this ambitious goal, further promoting the use of renewable energy sources. Kiwa, thanks to the experience acquired in the gas sector and to the wide knowledge of the related infrastructures, is an important reference point in the Hydrogen market, already active at national and international level for the development of solutions dedicated to this supply chain.
Green Hydrogen is produced from Renewable Energy sources such as wind and solar power, following the process of electrolysis, whereby water molecules are split into oxygen and hydrogen molecules using electricity.
Find out our servicesExperience in the energy sector, gained since the 1990s, and in the more recent field of renewable energies, has led Kiwa Italia to seize the new opportunities offered by hydrogen, with a view to an increasingly sustainable future.
Find out our servicesOne of the main fields of application for which hydrogen is being explored is the conversion of conventional gas distribution networks into hydrogen networks.
Find out our servicesAnother challenge for the entire hydrogen supply chain, and specifically for car manufacturers, is storage. Hydrogen has a very low density, which means it has to be stored at high pressure.
Find out our servicesThe Italian Italian heating industry can play a leading role in the technological reconversion and consolidation of the hydrogen supply chain.
Find out our servicesAt a global level, Kiwa has already been active in the hydrogen supply chain for years, with collaborations, analyses and feasibility studies conducted with the most important organisations active in the sector.
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Experience in the energy sector, gained since the 1990s, and in the more recent field of renewable energies, has led Kiwa Italia to seize the new opportunities offered by hydrogen, with a view to an increasingly sustainable future.
Find out moreAt a global level, Kiwa has already been active in the hydrogen supply chain for years, with collaborations, analyses and feasibility studies conducted with the most important organisations active in the sector.
Find out moreOn May 27, 2021, Kiwa and Alliander opened one of the most modern demonstration and training centers on domestic hydrogen applications in Apeldoorn: the Hydrogen Experience Center.
Read moreJoin the “Q&A live workshop: hydrogen applications on domestic, commercial and industrial appliances” on May 20, 3:30 PM! Our Kiwa experts will answer all your questions and curiosities regarding the application of hydrogen to appliances in the cooking and heating sector.
Read moreMoroni & Partners, part of the Kiwa Group, has recently performed vendor technical advisor activities for Octopus Renewables, an operator specialized in investment management in the renewable energy sector in the UK and Europe.
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