Testing activities by Kiwa

When you bring something new into the market, you want to eliminate quality and safety risks. After all, your potential customers or clients need to be able to trust your product, component, (raw) material or its application. In other words, they'll have to be confident that it reliably performs the way it is supposed to, compliant with local and international rules and regulations. Kiwa's independent, fully equipped and highly qualified testing labs and services bring that trust.

What Kiwa can do for you

Determine characteristics and prevent disturbance
We test, whether in our laboratories or on-site, to independently determine characteristics and thus approve requirements in terms of safety, quality, performance, reliability and compliance with rules and regulations. Testing also prevents disturbance to daily operations as possible errors and defects can be detected before they do any harm. For example, you need to be certain about the properties of a material within your installation or production facility or about the quality of a weld between pipe segments. Or about the environmental impact your product may have. Kiwa provides you with the knowledge to make the necessary recommendations for high quality installations, maintenance and asset management.

Testing, measuring and calibrating everything, all over the world
We deliver testing, measuring and calibration services in a wide range of market sectors through over 100 laboratories worldwide, which means there's always a testing facility near you. Our labs are primarily based in Europe and in major manufacturing countries in the Far East. We offer leading expert services in both non-destructive (or non-damaging) and destructive testing. Our services cover a very wide range of testing facilities, equipment, capabilities and know-how. We use advanced methods to reveal hidden defects and employ highly skilled personnel in interpreting the results. So, regardless of the object you want to have tested or its purpose, we know which testing methods suit you best, which local and/or international rules and regulations apply, and we provide you with accurate results.

The Testing Process

If you are planning to test your products, a component or a raw material, Kiwa can perform all the necessary tests through a structured 5-step testing process: