The Pressure Tightness Test in accordance with UNI EN ISO 1167 Standards is aimed at manufacturers of pipes, fittings and plastic systems who need to verify their resistance under the most extreme conditions.
The Plastica Seconda Vita (PSV) mark is the first European Environmental Product Certification system for products and materials obtained from the valorisation of plastic waste.
The FI drinking water approval is a quality mark and demonstrates that the product complies with the applicable regulatory requirements regarding to the plastic pipe material and possible odour or taste passed on from the pipe to water.
ISO 13485 is the medical device industry's quality management system (QMS) standard. The scheme specifies the requirements for a quality management system for medical devices.
In Germany, plastic products of all kinds as well as rubber products that come into contact with drinking water must meet the hygienic and toxicological requirements of the guidelines of the Federal Environment Agency test (UBA). This is described in the elastomer guideline as well as in the KTW guideline.
Safeguard approved construction products continue measuring up to the requirements with inspection by an independent inspection body. Kiwa Sverige AB is accepted in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden for conducting inspection for; GDV, SINTEF, STF and VA.
ISO 22716 Cosmetics - Good Manufacturing Practices with Kiwa: Regulations for systematic and organisational product safety and quality control to be followed throughout the manufacture of cosmetics
The MSC traceability standard is a globally recognised environmental certification scheme that allows you to market MSC certified fish and shellfish. The blue MSC label shows that fish have been caught in a way that creates healthy oceans and secures seafood supplies for the future - something that is important to your customers.
The Kiwa Creiven Renewable Energies Laboratory performs tests on gas-fuelled co-generators in accordance with V1 variants of CEI 0-16 and CEI 0-21 standards and the requirements of Resolution 147/2021/R/EEL (Energy Regulatory Authority).
It is the name given to the systematic study to determine the potential problems in a product or a process, to determine the problems before they occur and to take necessary measures to prevent problems.
SATAS and Kiwa cooperate to help local importers and international manufactures of building products exporting to South Africa to secure the certifications and approvals they need, as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The BSMI Certification ensures that drinking water related products meet safety, health and environmental regulations and standards. The Taiwan Commodity Inspection Schemes are administered by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI), which is the authority responsible for standardization, metrology and product inspection in Taiwan.
Checking the chemical composition of a metallic material, ferrous and nonferrous, is of paramount importance whenever a material needs to be classified according to regulations, or checked for correspondence with what is declared in the certificate of origin.
Kiwa Italia offers qualified support for the correct approach in managing measurement processes, from design to control, and for the best use of measuring instruments.
Three-dimensional Measuring Machines, or Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs), are widely used in manufacturing and service companies and in many commodity sectors because they have high operational flexibility.