28 May 2021

Kiwa and Alliander inaugurated the H2 Demohouse in Apeldoorn

On May 27, 2021, Kiwa and Alliander inaugurated one of the most modern demonstration and training centers for domestic hydrogen applications in Apeldoorn: the Hydrogen Experience Center.

The Hydrogen Experience Center in Apeldoorn was built as a normal home environment, with kitchen and heating systems, useful for demonstration and training activities. The Demohouse is the core of this "knowledge center" open to the public, where all the latest news about hydrogen applications for the energy transition are already available to visitors. The house is already being visited by residents of the various residential neighborhoods that, with pilot projects, will soon be converted to hydrogen in the Netherlands.

A unique place for technical training on H2

In addition to being a demonstration site, the Hydrogen Experience Centre is intended primarily as a training site. Since most industry players still have little experience in converting gas networks to use hydrogen, Alliander and Kiwa have joined forces to train professionals. Kiwa is among the leading players in the field of hydrogen training in the energy transition in the Netherlands, and Kiwa's own facility in Apeldoorn is equipped with dedicated hydrogen workshops. Thanks to the experience gained in over 15 years of activity, Kiwa is already an important reference point in the hydrogen market at international level, able to support the market with solutions dedicated to this supply chain, from production to transport, up to end-use.

In the picture: Daan Schut (CTO Alliander), Paul Hesselink (CEO Kiwa) and Annemarie Brüning (host) inaugurate the Hydrogen Experience Center in Apeldoorn.

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