GAR-update: withdrawal of EN 484:1997, EN 521:2006 and EN 14543:2005+A1:2007
Kiwa would like to inform you about the following dates of withdrawal (dow) of below standards:
- EN 484:1997 (dow October 2019) is replaced by EN 484:2019 (approved 15 February 2019)
- EN 521:2006 (dow October 2019) is replaced by EN 521:2019 (approved 15 February 2019)
- EN 14543:2005+A1:2007 (dow January 2018) is replaced by EN 14543:2017 (approved 27 February 2017)
As you might know, it is mandatory for the GAR (Gas Appliance Regulation) that a product is state of art. This concerns appliances burning gaseous fuels used for cooking, heating, hot water production, refrigeration, lighting and washing. In order to be able to certify appliances, the manufacturer needs to demonstrate compliance with the state of art standard(s). This implies that appliances shall be in principal GAR certified based on the updated standards after the dow date.
More information
For background information, please have a look at: Gas Appliance Regulation GAR, page L 81/127, observation 2 and page L 81/128, sections 3.1.7. and 3.1.8..
Please contact your local Kiwa representative, in order to advise you for your specific situation.