Animal welfare
Animals need to be kept or traded in a professional manner. Owners and traders must abide by rules to ensure animal welfare and health. We have years of experience in setting up quality systems, audits and certifying companies in the field of animal welfare.
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The European organic market has grown by 125 percent in the last decade. This provides an exciting opportunity for certified organic food companies to participate in this continuing growth. Kiwa is one of the pioneers of the organic certification in Europe.
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Consumers are increasingly asking for sustainably caught fish and shellfish and government apply rules to ensure healthy fish stocks and a vital ecosystem. We certifiy companies across Europe according to according to the applicable standards.
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Food safety & security
Lungo la filiera è fondamentale garantire sicurezza alimentare dalla preparazione alla manipolazione, dalla distribuzione alla conservazione degli alimenti, secondo le norme e gli standard vigenti. Kiwa è uno dei principali enti accreditati per la certificazione di prodotti alimentari nel mondo.
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Animal Feed
Animal feeds and their ingredients have a key role to play in the safety of food produced from livestock entering the food chain. We certify several feed assurance schemes internationally, like FEMAS and FAMI-QS.
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