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The withdrawal of RPS250

What was RPS250?

The waste wood industry previously worked under Regulatory Position Statement 250, which applied to Hazardous wood waste from demolition sites and domestic & business premises. This allowed storage at waste transfer stations and mixing with Non-Hazardous wood waste.

On the 1st September 2023 RPS250 was withdrawn and replaced with RPS291 which means regular testing is now required for waste wood materials.

  • Independent
  • Reliable
  • Industry Experts

Let Kiwa CMT help

What does this mean for waste operators?

Certain waste wood materials must now be treated as Hazardous waste or characterised using the WRA02 suite and assessed in line with WM3 to prove they are Non-Hazardous waste.  These materials include Barge Boards, External Fascias, Soffit Boards, External Joinery, External Doors, Roof Timbers, Tiling Cladding Tiling Battens, Timber Frames and Timber Joists from pre 2007 buildings.


Kiwa CMT’s Service

Kiwa CMT offer full WRA02 suite Testing & Assessment of potentially Hazardous wood waste in line with the WRA guidance. We are able to guide our customers to ensure they complete compliant testing with full assessment to WM3.

Why use Kiwa CMT for RPS250 testing?


Kiwa CMT has extensive expertise built over 40+ years of construction materials testing and inspection.

Service Level

We understand that our clients often need support through the testing process and that responsiveness is key to offering an effective service.

Testing & Assessment

Kiwa CMT offer full WRA02 suite Testing & Assessment of potentially Hazardous wood waste in line with the WRA guidance