5 February 2021

Solid Fuel Appliances Post-Brexit

Manufacturers with CE marks currently affixed by OEM's using test reports from a UK accredited CPR lab can continue to sell their product within the UK and NI without taking further action.  

Manufacturers selling products into the UK and NI affixed by OEM's using test reports from EU test labs can continue to sell their products until the end of 2021; after this date all products must be re-tested by a UK accredited CPR lab. 

UK exporters to the EU must in future base their CE declarations upon new test reports from EU accredited CPR labs.  

The UKNI situation is complex so please discuss with our office and see this link to the Government website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/using-the-ukni-marking

Kiwa Gastec can assist you with type testing of all new solid fuel appliances.  

Please call Tracy on 01242 677877 for further information.