5 September 2018

Route to ACS is changing

Kiwa Training is one step ahead and is gearing up for our new Gas Diploma qualification, which meets the new IGEM requirements. We are working in partnership with Fortis Living to provide a robust pre-ACS course, awarded by Cert-ain.

It will require the following:

  • A Portfolio of onsite work
  • An ACS mentor
  • The course will take around 8 months
  • Roughly a week each month dedicated to mostly classroom, but also including Assessment and Practical
  • Plus two weeks in addition to complete the ACS course to enable entry to Gas

All candidates will be individually assessed through interview to ensure they have the required skills, with Fortis Living providing work placements where necessary.

Kiwa also provides ACS assessment as a bolt on to all bookings, upon completion.

Anyone wishing to complete assessment prior to the changes should call Kiwa Training as soon as possible as the last possible course dates are from 18th to 26th September.

Call 01242 662121 for further information or email.