Our train the trainer courses are designed to provide you with the skills which will assist you to make your training delivery a success. They are suitable for anyone who delivers internal or external training to employees.
For training to be beneficial, it needs to be informative, relevant and engaging. Whilst a good subject knowledge is important, there are many other factors that contribute to successful teaching.
Our train the trainer courses are designed to provide you with the skills which will assist you to make your training delivery a success. They cover areas such as:
Roles & responsibilities within teaching
Safe & supportive learning environments
Inclusive teaching
Learning and assessing learning
You can choose whether the trianing is delivered remotely, at a training venue or in-house.
Course outline
These areas are all covered on this course:
Identify the key content of a training programme
How to prepare a simple timed plan
Select and demonstrate appropriate delivery strategies
Develop and use training material and resources effectively
Presentation skills
Demonstrate the use of assessment strategies during delivery
Evaluate training delivery
Our courses also provide opportunities for you to apply what you are learning through exercises such as the preparation and delivery of microteaching sessions.
The course duration is 2 days teaching + 1 day Presentations & Assessment.