In the COBICO laboratory are tested metal, glass and plastic packaging and packaging materials.We perform physico-chemical, mechanical, microbiological, sensory tests, global and specific migration tests, barrier/permeability tests for plastics as well as storage and aging tests.
Currently, approximately 98% of all types of products offered on the market require packaging. In the case of materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, and thus also packaging and packaging materials, the principle of the manufacturer's responsibility for compliance with the existing regulations in this area applies. This means that packaging producers, as well as food producers, must have the test results necessary to demonstrate the compliance of materials and products intended for contact with food with applicable legal regulations. Such requirements are determined by, among others, EU Regulations, National Regulations, Directives as well as international norms and standards.
In addition, as part of the work carried out, the Laboratory selects materials for specific groups of packaging, selects packaging for specific food preparations in order to maintain their properties throughout the storage period, implements new packaging and their production technology, supervises the production process. In addition, metallographic tests to assess the shape and dimensions of cuts in steel and aluminum easy-open lids, as well as measurements of varnish thickness.