Do you use steam appliances in your undertaking or organisation? Do your steam appliances fulfil the requirements and conform to the applicable standards? Our experts conduct the necessary checks and are approved to issue you with a certificate.
What you need to know
The laws require that undertakings or institutions that use steam appliances should have an inspection conducted of such installations by an EDTC (External Technical Inspection Service). Vinçotte will carry out the following inspections in accordance with the provisions of the law as an EDTC:
- inspection in case of (re)commissioning:
- verification of the construction documents
- presence and proper operation of the safety facilities required under the regulatory framework
- hydrostatic testing
- inspection of the repairs
- periodic inspection:
- external inspection
- internal inspection
- internal inspection – presence and proper working of the legally mandatory safety facilities
- water treatment
If your equipment fulfils the requirements of the law, Vinçotte will issue you a certificate that will prove that the inspected steam devices fulfil the requirements and the provisions of the applicable laws, and may therefore be regarded as functioning within safe conditions. The inspections also make it possible to closely monitor the evolution of the condition of your steam appliances and the safety arrangements. In addition, these checks provide the assurance that the various safety aspects are being duly complied with.