All laws, as well as every code of good practice relating to pressure equipment, provide for an initial and periodic setting of the ultimate protective arrangements against overpressure; are you certain that your pressure equipment is still protected when they are operating at its maximum working pressure? Do you, as an authorised valve workshop, still possess a valid certificate?
What you need to know
Our experts remain present when the safety valves are adjusted, and check whether this has been done correctly and whether the ultimate protection of your pressure equipment is set at the desired opening pressure.
In the past, the steam laws provided for recognition for workshops that were permitted to make adjustments to the safety valves of steam appliances. New recognitions are no longer issued, but existing permits are subject to an annual audit by our experts.
If you utilise this service, you can rest assured that the ultimate protection device shall open at the preset pressure, and shall consequently prevent the pressure in the apparatus that is to be protected from increasing to an excessively high level, and could thereby damage it.