Relevant for all real estate professionals seeking assistance in integrating sustainable development into their projects.
What you need to know
Environmental sustainability assessment
Vinçotte experts (part of Kiwa Group) can help you tailor the level of environmental sustainability of your building to your ambitions and budget. They also determine the specifications based on the level of environmental sustainability you choose. You then receive a report in the form of an environmental sustainability table based on the TOTEM tool (which will eventually be integrated into the future ref-B reference, which should be compatible with Breeam). This assessment can be carried out in the case of an entirely new building, the renovation of a building or the replacement of important parts such as HVAC windows, and lighting. The characteristics of this assessment will then be added to the specifications.
Equipment replacement planning
A multi-year strategy can also be put in place. This will make it possible to plan replacement investments in equipment and building materials.
Thanks to clearly defined specifications:
- You can build a solid reputation as a sustainable company.
- You can stand out from your competitors in a global economy
- You can prepare for the emergence of new regulations on reporting and verification of extra-financial data.
- You can identify options for improving your company's CSR performance.
- You can consolidate and strengthen your market position by responding to the trend towards sustainable public procurement.