Since 2005, companies with high greenhouse gas emissions in the EU have been subject to a greenhouse gas emission trading scheme (Directive 2003/87/EC). These companies must monitor and report their emissions annually according to a strict procedure described in EU Regulation 2018/66. Under certain conditions, free emission allowances are allocated to the companies based on reported activity levels. Free emission allowances and reported emissions are entered into a trading system with significant financial implications for the companies, aiming for ambitious emission reductions by the end of Phase IV of the system in 2030.
What you need to know
To be valid, reports on emissions and activity levels must undergo independent verification annually. Vinçotte is an accredited body under the European AVR Directive and Regulation, which define the verifier's duties and accreditation requirements according to ISO 14065 standard.
The EU emission trading scheme is also known as the European Emissions Trading System or EU ETS and is often abbreviated as EU ETS.
In addition to accreditation and extensive experience as a verifier, this verification service relies on a broader range of skills already present within the Vinçotte teams. Our knowledge of the reality of various industrial sectors, particularly our activities in metrology, atmospheric emissions measurements, laboratory analyses, certification, or energy performance, are all assets that enable us to assemble an efficient multidisciplinary team.
A better understanding of your company's activities and its specific characteristics, facilitating communication and effectiveness during verification. A recognized point of contact for various competent authorities and accreditation bodies. At the end of the process, a file submitted within strict deadlines, as well as relevant recommendations for improving your procedures. A long-term collaboration.