Do you wish to manage your social responsibility in an integrated and systematic manner? The reference system SR 10 “Social Responsibility Management Systems” is an international standard that makes it possible to create such a system to manage social responsibility. An SR 10 certificate guarantees that an organisation approaches its social responsibility in a structured manner, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of its activities.
What you need to know
This standard is based on continuous improvement in the same manner as similar standards for quality management, safety and the environment, and is closely linked to the existing ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and/or OHSAS 18001 system. The standard aims to systematically improve the satisfaction of the concerned parties by implementing a policy and objectives in the field of social responsibility, and through transparent and ethical conduct.
The application of this standard is founded on four essential pillars:
- The identification of the needs and expectations of stakeholders and measuring their level of satisfaction.
- Ethical, transparent and socially responsible behaviour (in the broad sense of the term).
- Compliance with legislation relating to the social and environmental impact of the organisation
- The continuous improvement of the social and environmental impact of the organisation.
The SR 10 standard is also based on the principles of the ISO 26000 standard and makes it possible to implement these principles in practice. Vinçotte, as an independent institution and partner of the IQNet Certification Network, is accredited to verify conformance with the principles of sustainable development and to certify your company.
The implementation of the SR 10 offers the following advantages:
- To structure the efforts relating to the optimisation of the impact on society and the environment.
- Learning more about the needs of the parties involved; communicating more effectively with them, and increasing their satisfaction.
- Increasing the commitment and motivation of the personnel.
- Integrating the management of social responsibility clearly into the organisation’s overall management system.
- Strengthening the brand image to customers, consumers and other stakeholders.
- The certification can be used to boost the status of the organisation as socially responsible and sustainable.
In addition, this standard has a lot in common with the existing standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 (and EMAS), and OHSAS 18001 and can therefore be easily integrated into an existing formalised management system.