8 August 2024

Kiwa Rolls Out Digi-Tags at Dairy Group Milcobel


Kiwa is proud to announce the successful implementation of Digi-Tags on Milcobel’s lifting and hoisting equipment, which enhanced the audit process at their Langemark, Belgium, site.

Digi-Tags are an advanced asset management solution for efficient, real-time asset tracking. They automate record-keeping, making asset management and monitoring easier. User-friendly, Digi-Tags help businesses streamline operations, reduce manual errors, and maintain accurate, up-to-date asset information. This technology is particularly beneficial for industries with stringent compliance and high traceability standards.

Digi-Tags — An easy, fast solution for asset management

At Milcobel, safety encompasses equipment inspections, with weekly audits and multinational customers demanding the highest standards. Milcobel’s maintenance system assigns numbers to each asset, but verifying these during audits can be time-consuming. To streamline this, Milcobel contacted Vinçotte, part of the Kiwa group, leading to the rollout of Digi-Tags in 2022. In 2023, the plant and assets at Kallo were added to the Digi-Tags dashboard as part of the project's second phase. Currently, Digi-Tags are being rolled-out at the YSCO plant, an ice cream factory within the Milcobel group, where tagging of assets is ongoing.

After a brief training, 250 lifting and hoisting assets at the Langemark test site were initially tagged. Inspectors from Vinçotte, collaborated with Milcobel to tag all assets systematically.

Each Digi-Tag includes a dynamic dashboard application, providing intuitive dashboards for analyzing essential safety information. Data can be exported to spreadsheets for integration into existing systems, and third-party inspected equipment, such as ladders, can also be included. Following the initial rollout, electrical installation and pressure equipment are planned next, with further implementation ongoing at other Milcobel sites, including Kallo in Belgium.

Dimitri Lecluse, maintenance supervisor at Milcobel, stated, "It is very easy to scan each asset during an audit and immediately see the inspection report on your smartphone. We are now considering buying tablets to make it even easier."

Range of Kiwa solutions for the food, feed, and farm sectors

In addition to our Digi-Tag offering, we provide a range of certification services in the food, feed, and farm sectors. Our food safety certifications ensure that products meet stringent safety standards and regulations. We cover every aspect of food production, processing, and distribution through comprehensive inspections, audits, and certifications.

Moreover, our pest management consultancy is designed to help maintain the highest hygiene standards. This service includes detailed inspections, professional training, remote monitoring, and data-driven analysis, ensuring your environments remain pest-free and compliant with safety regulations.

Benefits of combining Digi-Tags with Kiwa certifications

Combining Digi-Tags with our certifications offers significant benefits to businesses in the food, feed, and farm sectors. Digi-Tags automate record-keeping and real-time asset tracking, simplifying compliance with Kiwa's standards and eliminating manual processes. This enhanced traceability ensures product integrity and safety, meeting high standards. In short, Digi-Tags streamline asset management, reduce errors, and maintain accurate information, boosting business performance and ensuring compliance.

At Kiwa, our integrated approach helps your business meet regulations, improve food safety, and maintain a pest-free environment. By addressing a wide range of needs within the food production sector, we ensure your operations are safer, more efficient, and compliant.
Feel free to read more about Digi-Tags or visit our food, feed, and farm, food safety and security, and pest management webpages.