20 November 2020

CSR at Kiwa: ambitions, accomplishments and actions

Out now: Kiwa’s CSR Review 2019-2020. In it, we share our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, our ambitions for the next few years and our accomplishments over the past 1.5 years.

CSR belongs to Kiwa’s core: our quality declarations, tests and inspections make the world a bit more safe, sustainable and of better quality. At the same time, we sustainably develop ourselves and our business on a global scale.

In 2019, we introduced our Kiwa CSR Route 2022. It revolves around two General Principles, related to the CSR Performance Ladder and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, four Focal Points indicate our top priorities: reducing our CO2 footprint, improving employee health and satisfaction, intensifying stakeholder voice and enlarging the impact of our services on sustainability. Each of these Focal Points comprises a number of practical goals for us to reach over the next few years.

Our CSR Review 2019-2020 is an account for that: we show why we want to do this, how Kiwa countries and the Kiwa Group as a whole are doing and we share what we’ve planned. Take a look at our current CSR Route and ambitions and see for yourself!