ESG supply chain assessments

Monitoring and managing ESG performance in your organization is simple. However, comprehending ESG compliance and performance in your supply chain is challenging. This involves evaluating primary suppliers, as well as secondary and tertiary suppliers, logistics providers, infrastructure operators, and others.

Not fully understanding ESG performance in your supply chain can pose financial and reputational risks to your organization. It is important to comprehend the full extent of ESG performance in your supply chain to mitigate these risks. Conversely, achieving stronger ESG performance can position your organization for a competitive advantage in today's conscientious marketplace. As a trusted Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) company, we offer tailored solutions that empower businesses to assess, verify, and enhance the sustainability and ethical performance of their supply chains.

What is a ESG supply chain assessment?

ESG supply chain assessments are a set of practices and processes that organizations use to evaluate and manage the sustainability and ethical aspects of their supply chains. Businesses understand the importance of these evaluations. They recognize the need to address environmental and social problems. They also strive to maintain ethical standards and ensure good management in their supply chains.

Why conduct a ESG supply chain assessment?

Identifying and assessing ESG risks in your supply chain is a strategy that serves two purposes. Not only does it safeguard your corporation's reputation, but it also drives increased awareness and commitment to ESG principles in regions that may be less advanced in their sustainability journey.  

Choose Kiwa to show your commitment to responsible business, gain an advantage, and meet stakeholder expectations. We ensure that your organization's ESG initiatives are backed by third-party credibility through our commitment to accuracy, transparency, and regulatory compliance. Together we can drive positive change, protect your reputation, and make meaningful strides toward a more sustainable and ethical supply chain.

Our global services in the field of ESG supply chain assessments

  • Experience a comprehensive Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) audit for your company, including an on-site facility assessment. Upon successful completion, you'll be awarded a certificate in line with the Kiwa SEE Sustainability Standard.
  • The Global Standard for Ecological Textiles "GOTS" is the world's leading manufacturing standard for textiles made from ecological fibres. It defines demanding environmental criteria for the entire ecological textile supply chain and also requires compliance with social criteria.
  • Assessment of a module manufacturer’s traceability procedures and practices for their upstream material supply chain from polysilicon through finished PV modules.
  • It's important to review supply chains in the minerals and metals industry in order to make the industry more sustainable. This is particularly important due to current and future regulations on corporate supply chain due diligence. With a focus on conflict-affected and high-risk areas, Kiwa helps companies improve compliance and promote responsible business practices in the minerals supply chain.
  • The We Care standard covers the four fields of action: corporate governance, supply chain management, environment and employee responsibility. The standard places a special focus on socially, sustainably and fairly designed supply chain management. Kiwa independently audits and certifies its management system.