The key to a reliable nuclear environment is having processes and installations with as a little risks as possible. Kiwa can help you do so in order to minimize the risks from design phase until the construction and exploitation of your nuclear equipment. We do that for instance using customized risk analyses of your project (HAZOP, LOPA, SIL, FTA, FMEA, SWIFT, QRA etc.). In this way you have an clear view of the exact condition of your nuclear equipment and know when the installations need to be repaired or replaced. At the same time you verify whether it complies with the legal requirements and international standards such as SME and RCC-M.
Process Equipment Inspections
We perform process equipment inspections for the nuclear market to ensure the safety of pressurized equipment and pipelines. Our inspections are based on legal requirements (both nationally and internationally), on the process information you deliver, on non-destructive testing (NDT) and Kiwa's empirical knowledge. The assesments take into account:
- Critical safety elements
- Equipment to be inspected
- Optimal inspection intervals
Technology and material inspection
Thanks to modern technology new advanced techniques arise to test, inspect and certify your nuclear equipment. Kiwa's experts are familiar with the latest developments in the field of technology and material inspections. We perform services that include drone inspections, leak inspections, lifecycle analysis and process and automation safety.
For material inspection we make use of destructive testing (DT), damage examinations and lifetime analyses. As a partner for progress we help you to improve your business. Together we map out the best path to follow. All this to ensure safety, quality and health and to minimize downtime for you and your company.
Risk analyses
We have a big number of risk analyses in our portfolio. From quantitative risk analysis to process safety analysis: we know which type is best for you. In the list below you find a short overview of the analysis we perform.
- HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability study)
- SWIFT (Structured What If Technique)
- A structured brainstorming session to determine various risks within or outside a (simple) process (installation) based on checklists on which the team will ask What If questions before conducting the risk analysis (faster version of FMEA)
- FTA (fault tree analysis)
- Fault tree analysis can handle extremely complex (multiple) failures
- FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)
- Primarily applicable to development of complex systems: (product) designs or process design
- LOPA (Layers Of Protection Analysis as per IEC 61511, Annex F)
- SIL (Safety Integrity Level as per IEC 61508)
- Bowtie (Bow Tie analyses)
Major capital projects
Kiwa has the capacity to support large projects like turnarounds, modifications and greenfield construction projects. We have a large international pool of inspectors and operators covering the entire Northern European region. Through this coverage we are able to provide full scope inspection services to large capital projects in the region, including vendor inspections, QA/QC, pressure equipment inspections, welder certification, material testing and NDT.
Our services for the Nuclear sector
EEMUA 159 – Inspection, maintenance and repair of above ground flat bottomed storage tanks.Show
Kiwa offers an assessment of pressure equipment manufactured for the European market according to PED 2014/68/EU.Show
Check if quality demands are being met with non-destructive testing. Or use NDT testing as part of in-service inspections or preventive maintenance to quantify the status of critical components and equipment.Show
ISO 50001 Energy Management system certification with Kiwa: conserve resources, save money and mitigate climate change.Show
Operators, their contractors and engineering consultancies order all kinds of equipment worldwide. This may relate to stand-alone equipment, or to a series of equipment that form part of an installation or of a complex project. Our experts offer inspection services so that you are assured that the equipment you ordered meet the technical and administrative requirements.Show
ISAAC is a software for fracture and Fitness-For-Service (FFS) analyses which includes both crack growth and acceptance assessment procedures for a large number of geometries. Read more about tools and features in ISAAC.Show
Welding is a special manufacturing process which is used in sectors to reveal structures which cannot be manufactured as one piece. The EN ISO 3834 series standards are also standards that define all Quality requirements for the operation of this particular process.Show
Every company that transports, stores and uses flammable substances is required by the Dutch Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) to pursue a policy aimed at protecting employees against the dangers of explosion.Show
Every organization that invests in assets (both tangible and intangible) wants these resources to yield optimal returns during their life cycle and thus contribute to the best possible operating result. The international standard ISO 55001 helps you to implement asset management properly.Show