Manufacturing Industry
As an entrepreneur in the manufacturing industry, you face high stakeholder and customer demands and an ever more globalising market. Supply chains stretch far and wide and involve many subcontractors. Everything needs to function perfectly, on a high quality level, without interruptions, within budget and according to schedule. Kiwa is well aware of your needs; our well-trained and experienced experts can help you with vendor inspections, quality assessments, welder qualification, NDT and PED services.
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU and ISO 9001
In Europe the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU is there to ensure the safety of pressure equipment and for that reason indispensable for the manufacturing industry. The PED covers pressure equipment through design, manufacture and conformity assessments. By obtaining a PED approval you show your customers that your products are safe for use, and that you value quality.
The PED consists of many modules which depend on the complexity and risk connected to the object or vessel. Kiwa can help you during the design phase, construction phase. This can be done through inspection for single units or certification in case of multiple or mass produced components.
Additive manufacturing or 3D printing
Reliability assessment of Additive Manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, processes and products are needed to create a chain of trust through the manufacturing processes and shorten the time-to-market of these products. We believe that AM is going to be a mainstream industrial production technique in a near future. The faster it improves its reliability and market acceptance, the sooner this future will become reality. That is why certification for product and process quality of AM is possible within Kiwa.
Our services for the manufacturing industry
EEMUA 159 – Inspection, maintenance and repair of above ground flat bottomed storage tanks.Show
Kiwa offers an assessment of pressure equipment manufactured for the European market according to PED 2014/68/EU.Show
Check if quality demands are being met with non-destructive testing. Or use NDT testing as part of in-service inspections or preventive maintenance to quantify the status of critical components and equipment.Show
ISO 50001 Energy Management system certification with Kiwa: conserve resources, save money and mitigate climate change.Show
Operators, their contractors and engineering consultancies order all kinds of equipment worldwide. This may relate to stand-alone equipment, or to a series of equipment that form part of an installation or of a complex project. Our experts offer inspection services so that you are assured that the equipment you ordered meet the technical and administrative requirements.Show
ISAAC is a software for fracture and Fitness-For-Service (FFS) analyses which includes both crack growth and acceptance assessment procedures for a large number of geometries. Read more about tools and features in ISAAC.Show
Welding is a special manufacturing process which is used in sectors to reveal structures which cannot be manufactured as one piece. The EN ISO 3834 series standards are also standards that define all Quality requirements for the operation of this particular process.Show
Every company that transports, stores and uses flammable substances is required by the Dutch Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) to pursue a policy aimed at protecting employees against the dangers of explosion.Show
Kiwa can provide UKCA Mark and CE Mark guidance on gas, solid fuel, radio, electrical and electronic appliances.Show