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Services for the Major Components of Solar and Storage Systems

Kiwa PI Berlin offers comprehensive expertise in PV modules, inverters, and storage equipment. With a focus on PV module technology, the service ensures a deep understanding of materials, production processes, and system requirements to anticipate and address potential issues. For inverters, thorough manufacturer audits and production monitoring are conducted to ensure reliability and optimal performance. Additionally, as the significance of storage equipment grows, assistance is provided in selecting and auditing battery cells and systems, aiming to eliminate production errors and enhance integration into power plants.

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Services (9 results)
Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI)

Pre-shipment inspection of finished PV modules serves to check the modules for any obvious physical defects. Inspection is carried out on a sample basis and used to release modules for shipment.

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Factory Audits

Kiwa PI Berlin audits evaluate all aspects of the supply chain, product, manufacturing, and management processes potentially affecting module safety, reliability, and performance. Kiwa PI Berlin has developed a comprehensive auditing protocol based on direct observation, stress- testing and expert review of factory operations and successfully applied to over 1,000+ audits to date. Kiwa PI Berlin will conduct an on-site, independent audit of the equipment manufacturer manufacturing process and provide a comprehsive factory audit with the crictical, major, and minor audit findings.

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Lab tests PV equipment

Our laboratories are ISO 17025 accredited. We offer independent testing of PV modules and competent support from our experts. With our wide range of tests on quality criteria and the quality assurance requirements, you get the best possible results.

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Contracting Assistance

Specify the PV module, manufacturing, quality criteria, and quality assurance requirements. Define defects and identify potential remedies. Assist with contractually managing and mitigating potential safety, performance, and reliability risks.

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Post Shipment Inspection

Conduct post-shipment inspection of modules prior to installation to check for potential damage sustained during transportation.

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ESG Audit

Conduct a complete Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) audit of the Customer’s company and one on-site facility. The Customer will be provided with a certificate in accordance with the Kiwa SEE Sustainability Standard.

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Container Loading

Inspection of packaging integrity and loading of containers to ensure compliance with manufacturer’s specification before leaving the factory or storage facility.

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Production Oversight

Kiwa PI Berlin will provide in-factory supervision of production while equipment is being manufactured. Kiwa PI Berlin will deploy quality assurance engineers in the factory during production to ensure that all required material, process, and production controls are applied - and applied correctly.

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Supply Chain Traceability Assessment

Assessment of a module manufacturer’s traceability procedures and practices for their upstream material supply chain from polysilicon through finished PV modules.

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