16 September 2024

Recognition of CE marking for exports to the UK is extended

At the beginning of September, the British government announced the extension of the recognition of the CE marking for the export of construction products to the UK.

Construction products are a key part of the housing and infrastructure supply chain and account for 13% of the UK's total manufacturing industry in terms of turnover. The majority of construction products fall within the scope of the current European Construction Products Regulation. This sets out rules for placing construction products on the market and provides a common technical language for assessing the performance of products. Products that fall within the scope of these regulations must undergo an assessment of conformity with the relevant standard or a technical assessment. This in turn forms the basis for the use of a UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) or CE (Conformité Européenne) mark.

Until now, the government's guidelines stipulated that the recognition of the CE marking would end in June 2025. From this date, only the UKCA mark would be valid. The new British government has now declared that this deadline will be extended. The CE marking will be recognized for at least two more years if construction products are placed on the market throughout the UK. Double certification (CE and UKCA) is not necessary.

The official government announcement can be found here

In summary, this means:

  • The CE marking will be accepted in the UK beyond June 30, 2025.
  • The UKCA mark will also remain a valid and accepted regulatory mark.
  • The Government will examine the long-term future of CE/UKCA marking as part of regulatory reform. 
  • Any subsequent changes to the recognition of the CE marking would be subject to a transitional period of at least two years.