24 July 2024


Kiwa BCS ÖKO Garantie GmbH has been officially recognized by the European Commission as a control body in accordance with 2018/848.

From 21st June 2024, Kiwa BCS ÖKO Garantie GmbH is authorized to carry out inspections and certifications in accordance with the latest EU regulations for organic production in more than 40 countries under the following categories:

(A) unprocessed plants and plant products, including seeds and other plant propagating material;

(B) livestock and unprocessed animal products;

(C) seaweed and raw aquaculture products;

(D) processed agricultural products, including aquaculture products, for use as food;

(E) feed;

(G) other products listed in Annex I of Reg (EU) 2018/848 such as yeasts used as food or feed; Mate, sweet corn, vine leaves, hearts of palm, hop sprouts and other similar edible parts of plants and products made therefrom; Sea salt and other salts for food and animal feed; Silkworm cocoon suitable for rolling up; natural gums and resins; beeswax; essential oils; Cork stoppers made of natural cork, not agglomerated and without binder; cotton, neither carded nor combed; wool, neither carded nor combed; raw hides and untreated hides; Traditional herbal preparations based on plants.

This recognition underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and compliance in our services.

What This Means for You:

  1. Enhanced Compliance: Our recognition as a control body means that we can provide you with even more robust compliance and certification services. This ensures that your products will continue to meet the high standards required for the European organic products market.
  2. Continued Quality Assurance: With this new designation, Kiwa BCS reaffirms its dedication to quality assurance, giving you confidence in the integrity and reliability of our services.
  3. Regulatory Updates: We will keep you informed about any changes in EU regulations and help you navigate these changes seamlessly, ensuring that your operations remain compliant and efficient.
  4. Market Access: Our status as an EU-recognized control body can facilitate smoother and faster market access for your products within the European Union, providing you with a competitive edge.

Next Steps:

We understand that regulatory changes can impact your processes and documentation. In the coming months, we will provide detailed information on any necessary changes to your documents and the new procedures that will be implemented. This will include:

  • Updated Documentation: Guidance on how to update your existing documentation to align with the new regulations.
  • New Procedures: Instructions on the new procedures that will be required under Regulation 2021/848 and all its delegated and implementing acts.

Meanwhile, this news does not affect your operation unless we inform you the opposite. Our aim is start conducting inspections under the new regulation during the last quarter of this year. Our team is fully prepared to assist you in ensuring a smooth transition to these new standards.

We appreciate your trust in Kiwa BCS and are committed to supporting your business with the highest level of service. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:DE.Info.BCS@kiwa.com

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