3 January 2019

Brexit Update 3rd Jan 2019

HMG has published a 119 page briefing document to assist business with preparations against the eventuality of a No Deal Brexit. This pack can be used for contingency planning and to help to:

  • Consider how they businesses may need to adapt to comply with new systems, processes and controls
  • Assess the impact of the increased demand for customs declarations on your business
  • Consider whether businesses may require to recruit and train additional staff
  • Information on how to monitor and stay up-to-date with these changes

The high level guide covers a wide range of topics and scenarios including:

  • Regulatory, Customs and Excise and VAT changes
  • Sections on individuals, Traders, and service industries
  • Agrifood, animals and plants
  • Specialist Traders eg medical devices
  • Transporters
  • Operators at the border- agents and warehouses etc

In addition to the Guide it also presents references to specific Technical Guides and presents new Step by Step Guides, for example to Importers and Exporters.

There is a lot of information and a great deal more to follow if No Deal becomes more likely, we would recommend that you should review the document in the context of your business.