Energy and Power Generation

The power generation industry has the challenge of ensuring an uninterrupted, reliable supply and satisfying safety and environmental requirements, while also taking the interests of the many stakeholders into account.

Production systems are complex and need to be properly designed, monitored and maintained. Individual components must be safe, of good quality, durability and reliability, and meet growing requirements for sustainable impact, to be successful in the marketplace.

Kiwa provides inspection, testing and certification of the electrical safety of individual components, as well as the grid integration of generation units that feed energy into the global power grid. We confirm your product’s robustness and environmental compliance.

We support you in setting up risk-based maintenance, modernisation and investment plans and we offer you access to international certification procedures.

  • Ensure reliable supply
  • Risk-based maintenance
  • Retain profitability
Services (40 results)
Battery testing according to UN 38.3

Batteries containing lithium must be tested in accordance with UN 38.3 to ensure safe transport.

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Electric Car Charging Infrastructure

Thanks to our extensive accreditations in the field of electromobility, Kiwa is your partner for testing your equipment and thus an important partner for proving compliance with standards.

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BDA Infrared Thermography

Heat loss occurs in all buildings. An infrared camera can be used to visualise this heat loss, which is invisible to the eye.

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Field inspections PV systems

Around the globe, we test PV systems according to their performance and uncover faults and give recommendations on how to remedy them. Our experts have the most modern testing equipment and analysis tools at their disposal.

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Post-shipment Inspection

Evaluating all aspects of the supply chain, product, manufacturing, and management processes potentially affecting module safety and performance. A comprehensive auditing protocol based on direct observation, stress-testing and expert review.

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Auditor in field of wind energy windmill
ISO 50001 Energy Management

ISO 50001 Energy Management system certification with Kiwa: conserve resources, save money and mitigate climate change.

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Factory Audits

Evaluating all aspects of the supply chain, product, manufacturing, and management processes potentially affecting module safety and performance. A comprehensive auditing protocol based on direct observation, stress-testing and expert review.

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Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI-T) - Traceability

Unveil the secrets of your supply chain with our Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI-T) - Traceability service. Discover how we ensure the integrity and traceability of your products before they leave the factory floor. Stay ahead in quality and compliance with our expert insights

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Due Diligence PV Systems

Through our experience and knowledge from our factory audits and our laboratory tests, we have developed systematic assessment of key aspects of PV systems for you. Use our expertise to carry out your PV project in the best possible way.

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Lab tests PV equipment

Our laboratories are ISO 17025 accredited. We offer independent testing of PV modules and competent support from our experts. With our wide range of tests on quality criteria and the quality assurance requirements, you get the best possible results.

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Performance test of battery cells in cycles

Kiwa Primara tests battery cells for their performance in cycles - this is one of our core elements in a test. In a battery cycling test, a battery charges as well as discharged. Kiwa Primara tests your batteries according to your wishes and needs.

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Cosmetics: all kinds of lipstick colors
ISO 22716 Cosmetics - GMP - Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices

ISO 22716 Cosmetics - Good Manufacturing Practices with Kiwa: Regulations for systematic and organisational product safety and quality control to be followed throughout the manufacture of cosmetics

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SCC / SCT – Safety Certificate Contractor / Safety Certificate Temporary Workers


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ISO 27701 Certification Privacy Information Management System
ISO 22301 Business continuity management systems

ISO 22301 Business continuity management system with Kiwa: Prepare for disaster, disaster, and accident-related business disruptions.

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Unlock Sustainable Success with SEE-Certification's ESG Audit Services

Experience a comprehensive Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) audit for your company, including an on-site facility assessment. Upon successful completion, you'll be awarded a certificate in line with the Kiwa SEE Sustainability Standard.

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Building area workers
ISO 45001 Health and safety at work

ISO 45001 is a tool to systematically fulfill the legal obligation for employers to ensure the health and safety of employees and to pursue a policy aimed at achieving the best possible working conditions.

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Lifetime / MTBF

We help you to improve your product in order to increase the satisfaction of your customers and to improve your reputation sustainably.

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Renewable energy

Production of energy from renewable and decentralized energy is booming worldwide – the photovoltaic market has annual growth rates of around 20%. In order to remain successfully on the market, the safety, quality, durability and reliability of your products are essential.

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Man on construction site

VCA and VCU health, safety and environment certification with Kiwa: create safe working conditions for contractors and reduce accidents.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a Type III Environmental Declaration and is regulated by ISO 14025 and EN 15804. It contains quantifiable environmental information on a European harmonized, scientific basis. An EPD is based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data.

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Preliminary Engineering PV systems

Our preliminary engineering services for PV systems support you with feasibility and yield studies. Benefit from our know-how and see to what extent your project can be implemented or where there is potential for improvement.

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Supply Chain Traceability Assessment | Module

Navigate the complexities of your supply chain with our Supply-Chain Traceability Assessment. Gain unparalleled insights into the origins and journey of your products, ensuring transparency and compliance every step of the way.

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ISO 37001
ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management (ABMS)

The international standard ISO 37001 helps organizations reduce the risks and costs associated with bribery, corruption, etc. Kiwa can assist your organization in combating bribery and promoting an ethical corporate culture through ISO 37001 certification. With an ISO 37001 certificate, you demonstrate compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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Solar - wind power
Grid integration

Worldwide, there are a multitude of local grid connection guidelines and standards that must be complied with depending on the country.

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