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Generating heat and electricity involves many challenges and potential hazards. Power can come from an increasing number of sources, including large and small scale solar and wind installations, waste incineration plants and conventional fossil sources like natural gas, biogas or hydrogen. The industry has to ensure uninterrupted, reliable supply and satisfy demands related to safety and the environment, while taking the interests of many stakeholders into account. Production systems are complex and need to be properly designed, monitored and maintained. Still, retaining profitability is also an objective. Kiwa helps you make the right decisions at the right time. Safety, reliability and the environment are our main focus. We can, for example, help you by inspecting, testing, analysing and certifying assets and their components (during maintenance stoppages or otherwise). We support you in setting up risk-based maintenance, modernisation and investment plans. In short: in close cooperation with you, we'll do all we can to prevent the unnecessary interruption of power supply.