Sustainable Solutions in Construction

On a global level the demand for raw materials is rapidly increasing. As you probably now many of these raw materials are not infinitely available and will eventually run out. That is why it is important to standardize the (re)use raw materials and to reduce the environmental impact of them. In this way an economy can be created that runs on reusable raw materials. This all starts by demonstrating that your products are produced using sustainable materials. Kiwa can help you to do so.

Our regular services for testing, inspection and certification are completed by “add-ons” like Environmental Product Declarations EPDs, CSC-certifications (Concrete Sustainability Council) or Life-Cycle-Assessments e. g. for the CO2-footprint. These established services assess independently the sustainability of your products and are important to participate in tenders.

How do I show that my products are sustainable?

Do you want to show the building materials you use are produced sustainably, taking into account their environmental impact? Or that you use materials that can be reused later? Kiwa has a number of certifications that guarantee the sustainability or circularity of buildings and materials. By becoming a certified manufacturer you will demonstrate to both your organization as well as your customers that your products and the raw materials that they’re made of are of responsibly sourced origin. Get in touch to find out which certification scheme(s) fits the best.


The transition to sustainable businesses

How to reach your sustainable development goals, or sdg’s, as a company or manufacturer? In a world where the demand for raw materials is increasing this is an important question to ask yourself. It asks for a transition to a (new) way of working and living without depleting natural resources, polluting the living environment, and harming ecosystems. All in order to reach the ultimate goal: a circular economy by 2050. How can you contribute as an entrepreneur? We are there to help you.