From Intega to Kiwa Group Pty Ltd

Since 1968 the quality, testing and measurement businesses have grown throughout Australia and the Americas. Kiwa Group’s history has been formed through a number of acquisitions over the past 10 years which have operated separately since 2017 within the Cardno Group.
Founding of Raba Kistner. Expanded throughout Texas; Austin in 1986, Houston in 2001, Dallas in 2008.
Founding of Construction Sciences - Founded in 1990 as Bowler Geotechnical in Brisbane.
Founding of QA business PPI Quality and Engineering - founded in Houston, Texas.
Founding of T2 Utility Engineers, Inc. - Founded in Ontario Canada.
Cardno acquires Construction Sciences. Cardno acquired Bowler franchises. Merged into single operating entity: Construction Sciences.
Cardno acquires PPI Quality and Engineering.
Acquisition of T2 Utility Engineers, Inc. Acquired remaining 50% shareholding of T2 Utility Engineers from AECOM.
Separation from Cardno Consulting. The core CMT business, Quality Assurance business were separated into 'Portfolio Companies' on July 2016.
Cardno acquires Raba Kistner. Provides Intega with critical scale in Geotechnical work in Texas and the ability to grow throughout US.
Intega demerged from Cardno. Operated as a separate ASX listed entity from July 2019.
Intega delisted from ASX and acquired by Kiwa. Now known as Kiwa Group Pty Ltd.
Kiwa Group acquires CMW Geosciences. Provides expanded geotechnical expertise and reach across Australia and New Zealand.

Our Companies

Kiwa Group Pty Ltd comprises of four quality, testing and measurement businesses – Construction Sciences, PPI Quality and Engineering, T2 Utility Engineers and Raba Kistner.

Kiwa Group Pty Ltd Management

Board of Directors
Matthew Courtney
Chief Operating Officer - Asia Pacific and Americas, Kiwa Executive Board
Gerard Midgley
Managing Director - ANZ Pacific
Shael Munz
Chief Financial Officer
Senior Management
Matthew Courtney
Chief Operating Officer - Asia Pacific and Americas, Kiwa Executive Board
Gerard Midgley
Managing Director - ANZ Pacific
Shael Munz
Chief Financial Officer
Company Secretary
Courtney Marsden
General Counsel and Company Secretary